
Bionicle is a toy line from the Lego Group marketed at 7-16 year-old children. The toy line was launched in December 30, 1999 in Europe and June/July 2001 in Canada and the United States. The concept was derived from Lego Group’s earlier themes Slizers/Throwbots and Lego RoboRiders. Both of these lines had similar throwing disks and characters based on classical elements. Contrary to popular belief, “Bionicle” is not “Bionic” with a “-le” suffix, but a portmanteau constructed from the words “biological” and “chronicle“.[1]

The 2001-2008 storyline of Bionicle was set primarily in a world that is inhabited predominantly by biomechanical (part-organic, part-machine) beings. This world and its multiple races was once protected by a Great Spirit named Mata Nui, but he was cast into an unnatural sleep by the evil Brotherhood of Makuta, led by Makuta Teridax, and the universe began to decay. Mata Nui has since been revived, with unfortunate consequences due the haste in which the process was done. This is a universal subject.

The following groups are the main characters in the Bionicle mythos; a summary of all of Bionicle’s major groups can be found at Characters and groups in Bionicle:



[edit] 2006

After returning to Metru Nui, Turaga Dume summoned the Toa Nuva, and announced that Mata Nui was dying. He told the others that the only cure was the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life, and that it was hidden on an island called Voya Nui. The only safe way to reach this island was by Toa Canisters, instead of boats or airships.

After their departure, Jaller was suspicious about the disappearance of the Toa Nuva, and therefore, he attempted to question the Turaga. The Turaga refused to answer him. Furious, he ordered a strike on the all reconstruction work to stop until the truth was revealed.

On the island of Voya Nui, six canisters arrived, carrying the Piraka. The Piraka consisted of Vezok, Thok, Hakann, Reidak, Avak, and were led by Zaktan. Later, when they started to meet some Matoran, they called themselves Toa to fool the Matoran. The Matoran didn’t know what Toa were. Thus, the Piraka made them do meaningless tasks. Often they slightly harmed one or two Matoran using their powers. In time, Avak crafted six strange launchers, but two Matoran stole one. Meeting with other four Matoran, they realized these launchers were weapons to fight the Matoran. One of them, sent to spy on the “Toa”, found out they weren’t Toa after all; They were thieves and killers, searching for the Mask of Life.

Hakann and Avak however realized that the Matoran were beginning to be suspicious of them. To allay their suspicions, the two Piraka created a creature composed of Fire and Stone and had it attack the Matoran. Hakann controlled it, while Avak pretended to defend the Matoran. However, as they left the fight scene, Garan and Balta followed them and heard them talking and learned their secret. The two Matoran soon rounded up their friends and formed the Voya Nui Resistance Team. Zaktan tested the new Antidermis and Zamor Spheres. The invention was successful. Then, Zaktan ordered Dezalk to bring all of the Matoran to one gathering place.

The meeting was held. All but six Matoran stood for the meeting with their “Toa”. This meeting was a trap, so that the Piraka could use the Antidermis, which caused Matoran to obey any command the Piraka gave. Dalu reported this to her comrades, but they were too late. Luckily they found Dezalk, who was still enslaved. Unaware, he led the team to Mount Valmai, where the team witnessed the entire population now laboring day and night to empty a volcano.

The Toa Nuva arrived. Later, they and the Piraka fought. Reidak proved to be almost unstoppable and that caused the Toa to concentrate on him while the other Piraka arrived. Hakann defeated Gali, Avak imprisoned Kopaka and Tahu was beaten in sword play by Zaktan. Lewa, Pohatu and Onua downed Reidak, but they were all defeated by the other Piraka. Onua was the last Toa Nuva knocked down unconscious. Then Zaktan ordered the Toa Nuva to be stripped of their masks and weapons and were to be dropped into the volcano. Meanwhile, Balta had stolen a Zamor launcher but had been locked in a cave by Vezok.

Back on Metru Nui, Nokama revealed to Jaller that the Toa Nuva were on their way to Voya Nui, and had not returned. Jaller decided to take the initiative and set out for Voya Nui with a team of other Matoran.

Later, Dume entered his chamber and accused one of the Turaga of revealing their secret. Dume knew because Jaller had left, along with 5 more Matoran and Takanuva. Nokama, who told Jaller some time before revealed what she had done, and all the Turaga could do was wait. Meanwhile, the Matoran and Takanuva had come out from underwater chutes, only to find themselves on a narrow strip of land. The only way open to them was south, and they trudged onward. After scouting ahead for some time, Jaller noticed a tunnel. He couldn’t tell what was beyond it, therefore Takanuva decided that he should at least check it out first. When Takanuva went in the tunnel all became dark. No matter how hard he tried, the tunnel seem to absorb all the light and sound.

While the Matoran and Takanuva wondered what just happened, Garan and the resistance team waited impatiently. Garan and Dalu were talking about Balta’s disappearance, only to be interrupted by Piruk, who brought some bad news. The Piraka were coming their way, toward the volcano, carrying the Toa Nuva (although the resistance team did not know it at the time). The Piraka, with the exception of Zaktan, were carrying the Toa Nuva to be thrown into the volcano. But just before they could reach it, the volcano erupted. Scared for their lives, the Piraka ran away, leaving the Toa Nuva to die alone. Tahu had regained consciousness some time before and was ready to act. He called out to Pohatu, who kept rising up walls of stone, one after another, to keep the lava from coming through. With time to spare, Lewa helped carry Gali to safety as Pohatu helped Onua to his feet. Kopaka was unfortunate and burned his right leg, but thankfully Tahu helped him to safety. The Toa ran northwest to escape the hot magma. Tahu signaled for them to rest, thinking it was safe again, only to be confronted by six Matoran northbound, ready and armed. The Toa realized that they were Matoran, and hoped to use them as guides, but the Matoran were suspicious and thought that the Toa were impostors too.

Balta, at that point, was trapped in a cave. Some time before he had been running away from Thok and Vezok and dove into a cave. Vezok looked around, knowing that Balta was in the cave somewhere, and sealed it up. Just before Balta was about to slip into unconsciousness, Axonn carved out the cliff side, producing an exit. He told Balta to go to his friends and he left.

By now, Jaller was frustrated and told his friends to go in. Jaller ordered them to go into group of three. Jaller, Hewkii, and Kongu went first and immediately disappeared from view. Nuparu told the remaining two to tie themselves together so they would not get lost. They entered too and their Lightstones also “went out.” Matoro stumbled around in darkness, but soon grabbed someone or something’s hand. Feeling the rope being tugged, Matoro swiftly followed. Soon everyone was in front of Matoro, yet he was still holding something. That something let go of Matoro, and the Matoran continued onward.

Back on Voya Nui, Zaktan was arguing with the other Piraka. Telling them off on how they should have killed the Toa, he even mentioned Vezon, their seventh addition who had deserted them a long time ago on Mata Nui. Thok told Zaktan that the Matoran progress on draining the volcano had slowed down by 50% due to the eruption. Zaktan ordered the others to find the Piraka and work the Matoran harder, and they accepted their task.

Jaller asked if anybody wanted to turn around and go back. No one did. They all just kept going on the narrow land bridge before them, and on both sides, violent seas churned. The six Matoran and the Toa of Light headed for a stone archway, which only admitted to a dizzying path that ran between two mountains. Hewkii shouted to his friends as he pried a mask from the ground. He tried it on, then realized that it was a great mask, for the energy radiated from it. Knowing this, Takanuva tried it on and heard Hahli’s thoughts. Jaller was notified that it was a Suletu and they went onward. When the Matoran were about 3/4 there, they stopped to get some shut-eye. Jaller kept watch as the others slept. Takanuva wandered off, as he always did. Matoro couldn’t sleep and started to talk to Jaller, only to be interrupted by Takanuva, who had seen a Matoran on the other side of the archway. Almost immediately the 6 Matoran passed through the gate, but Takanuva could not. Jaller tried to go back, but that same barrier barred the Matoran from going back. Somehow, the Toa of Light could not go on, and after a long, depressing goodbye, they parted.

Meanwhile, the Toa Nuva were amidst in battle with the resistance team. And they were losing, because they could not attack that which they had sworn to protect. Tahu created a flaming wall, to give the Toa some relief. After some discussion, Gali was hit with Dalu’s chargers, which enhanced Gali’s sight. Gali was able to see all sorts of things, even with her eyes closed! Seeing such beautiful and disturbing things caused her to lose her sanity. Kopaka had had enough at that point. He proceeded through the wall of fire and at the Matoran. Tahu doused his wall and ordered the other Toa to cover for him. Kopaka had already frozen three Matoran and was now fixated on the other two. Gali, at this point, went mad, attacked Tahu, who was carrying her, and ran away. The fighting stopped and the Toa tried to explain who they really were. Not believing them, the Matoran readied themselves for battle, just when Balta came running down. He told his friends that they were wrong, and the Toa and Matoran joined forces.

Miles away, Hakann was watching Zaktan, who was talking to Brutaka, although Hakann did not know his name at that point. Zaktan fired a Zamor Sphere at Brutaka, making him meaner and stronger, then Brutaka left. Hakann followed him.

Gali, after running around for miles, was lost. Axonn came and used his powers to cure her of her madness. Then he left again, before Gali could question him.

The Matoran from Metru Nui entered the lair, only to find themselves facing a huge cliff. After many discussions and arguments, they climbed up the cliff. When they finally reached the top, the came face to face with a group of Manas. The shy Matoran that they were following suddenly stopped, just as the Manas surrounded him. Luckily, they posed no harm, but the most frightening bit was yet to occur. The Matoran beckoned to Jaller and his friends, and they followed.

As their Matoran guide lead them into a huge canyon, strange and mysterious things were before them. Hot ice, rocks that screamed, and a dust waterfall were just a few of the weird happenings. Hahli motioned and the Matoran looked up at the great metal castle, with more twisted towers than the land it sat on. By now, the Matoran had decided that it was time to go back, but Manas blocked off the entire canyon. With only one real choice, they walked forward. After a while, they encountered Karzahni for the first time. The Matoran recognized that name from the legends the Turaga told, as the other Matoran who lived there took their belongings. Karzahni ordered them to take off their masks. All did except Jaller, who had recently learned that his mask had been Lhikan’s mask. Karzahni then used one of his powers, and Jaller saw a vision: a vision of what would have happened if he had not sacrificed his life for Takanuva. Startled by such a vision, Jaller took off his mask.

Hakann had been following Brutaka for hours, and had no clue what he was up to. But he was about to find out. Suddenly Brutaka disappeared from plain sight and reappeared behind Hakann, with his sword ready to slit the Piraka’s throat. After a long talk, Hakann and Brutaka struck up a deal. Hakann could use Brutaka as a “servant” if Brutaka could have more Zamor Spheres filled with Antidermis. They headed back to the Piraka Stronghold.

Meanwhile, the Toa Nuva and Matoran resistance team formed a plan to retrieve the Toa’s tools and masks. They too, headed for the Piraka Stronghold.

Over by the “green belt”, where Avak and Thok were searching for the Toa, they came to a conclusion; That the Mask of Life was actually underneath the green belt and that Zaktan was just using Mount Valmai as a diversion. Avak and Thok, too, headed back to the stronghold to give Zaktan a piece of their mind.

All the Matoran looked different with their new masks on. Kongu was quick enough to slip on the Suletu he had found earlier. Karzahni then ordered all of them to tend to the fires, with the exception of Hahli. Karzahni wanted to know what was happening in the “Outside World”, and since Hahli was the Chronicler, she was perfect to tell him. She started to tell him as the other five Matoran went to work. After hours of almost nonstop talking, she took a short rest and asked Karzahni to tell his story. He explained how he and Artakha were created and given a realm to rule. How his brother made a refuge, while Karzahni created a place for broken Matoran to come and be fixed back up.

The five other Matoran went straight to work next to a giant furnace, and after hours of aimless work, Nuparu left to look around. He called to his fellow Matoran to come follow him. He discovered tablets that explained what happened to all the poor conditioned Matoran. The tablets told the story of how injured Matoran in need of repair came to Karzahni. Karzahni, being a poor worker at his job, couldn’t fix the Matoran that came to him. Therefore, he rebuilt them and gave them weapons to compensate for their new weaker state. He then shipped them off somewhere. And since the Turaga noticed that the Matoran never came back home, they stopped sending Matoran to Karzahni.

One of those Matoran, at that time, was listening to Onua explain to him all about the Toa Nuva’s adventures and the outer world. He marveled at the fact that other Matoran were taller and stronger, yet carried no weapons. He’d rather keep his pulse bolt generators.

Over by the stronghold, the tables had turned. Avak trapped Zaktan in a cube-shaped cage that would produce ear-splitting sounds every time Zaktan tried to break out. This sonic hum drove the Protodites out of their minds. Just when Thok was about to “reclaim his title” as the new leader, Hakann shot a ball of lava at him, barely missing. Avak then tried to create a prison for Hakann, but it was already too late. Hakann continued to produce several lava balls, one of which actually hit Avak. After arguing about what happened, Hakann introduced Brutaka, who greedily eyed the crystal sphere of Antidermis in the center of the stronghold, and advanced inward.

At the posterior of the stronghold, Tahu tried to melt the lock of the rear door, with no success. After a while, Tahu had given up and it was Kopaka’s turn to give it a try, but before he could, Piruk signaled to the others that a Piraka was coming. Taking advantage of this, Lewa stepped out in plain view and taunted Reidak. Reidak tried to punch Lewa, but only hit the door instead. Reidak kept trying to punch Lewa but each time made a larger dent in his own stronghold’s door. Finally Lewa grabbed Reidak’s arm on one of his attempts and bolted him through the door. Surprised, Reidak scrambled up and ran inside. The Toa used their powers, retrieved their tools and went to the eastern section to find their masks.

By this time, Reidak had stumbled upon the chaos involving the other Piraka. Avak and Thok were fighting Brutaka, as Hakann watched this scene. Reidak came up behind Hakann, put him into a hold, and slammed him into Avak (also unknowingly freeing Zaktan). Just then the Toa blasted open the eastern door, with their reclaimed masks and the resistance team. Zaktan tried to rally up his fellow Piraka, but they just stood back, realizing that the Toa could get rid of Zaktan for them. Resorting to desperate measures, Zaktan offered to willingly give Brutaka more spheres and their secret if he could help him. Then in one flash of his sword, Brutaka agreed, knocking out six Toa Nuva and six Matoran. The Matoran were taken with the Piraka to be interrogated by Reidak in the Chamber of Truth, while the Toa were left in Brutaka’s hands.

Back in Karzahni, the five Matoran met up with an ancient Matoran. It was from him that the five learned he and another group of Matoran were the ones who built the Toa Canisters. They were delighted, and asked he Matoran if there are any stored in Karzahni. The Matoran led them down to a chamber where six canisters were stored. While they were on their way there, Karzahni was done with Hahli and returned her to the furnace, only to see five Matoran missing. Furious that Matoran would oppose him, he perused his island, both with his eyes then his mind, and he found them. He quickly went after them, dragging Hahli behind him. The broken-down Matoran, by now, had led Jaller and his friends to where the six Toa Canisters lay, all in a row. Immediately, Jaller ordered his comrades to enter those canisters once Nuparu found out how they worked, but was held up by the Matoran, who was crazy and told them that the canisters were only for Toa. Nevertheless Jaller left Nuparu to figure out its workings and the other four tried to go get Hahli, only to be stopped by Karzahni, who already had Hahli in his grasp! Karzahni called them all liars, believing that there were no Toa or a Mata Nui, and readied himself to destroy the canisters.

Just when there seemed to be no hope, Matoro hatched a great idea. He threatened Karzahni to create the worst vision he could think of, which Karzahni angrily did.

The vision described what would happen if Mata Nui died. The sky shook fiercely, water poured in, and earthquakes happened everywhere. Then the vision followed Takanuva, who was writing the last Chronicle as a memorial to the Toa Nuva and Matoran. He then sat down and. At the end, Karzahni was momentarily frozen by the vision himself. The fact that Mata Nui had such great power that his death would be the end of his realm and many more came as a wake-up call to reality. The Matoran took this chance, collecting Hahli and jumping into the canisters. They activated them, and were soon burrowing out of the dreaded land.

The Matoran named Dalu regained consciousness just as her fellow friends were being taken to the Chamber of Truth, where Reidak would soon begin his interrogation. Zaktan was supposed to be taking her, but as he was too “busy” boasting about his second “victory” over the Toa Nuva, she managed to run away.

Dalu was running up a hill, running out of breath, trying to get away. She kept running up, only to run into Zaktan and Hakann. Being overpowered, she gave up without a fight, and Zaktan and Hakann traveled to take her back. After some time, Hakann and Zaktan went into a argument over who let her loose. It resulted in Zaktan hitting Hakann against the wall with his laser vision. Hakann tried to retaliate by sending his heat vision at him, but Zaktan quickly let his Protodites spread out, narrowly escaping Hakann’s attack. Zaktan then tried to launch a Zamor Sphere at Hakann, only to have Hakann dodge the green ball and attack with his mental blasts. Zaktan mustered enough strength to use his vision power to bring a boulder down on his “ally”, crushing him. Zaktan then walked along some steps and retrieved more Antidermis from a huge container. Dalu used this opportunity to run away once again, this time to meet up with her friends.

Although it is not clear how long later after the Zaktan and Hakann fought, later Thok and Reidak were walking around Mount Valmai. After some talk, Thok pushed Reidak off a cliff to his doom. As Thok was running away from the crash site, wondering how much more wealth he would receive, Reidak climbed back up and attacked Thok with his buzz saw. He taunted Thok that he would throw him over the side as well. After some time, arguments broke out and the Piraka, except Hakann, were fighting each other. It was one big brawl inside a forest, only to be stopped by Zaktan. He ordered them to stop, stating that if they would stop “behaving like starving Rahi” that they could find the Mask of Life and leave Voya Nui. Thok then commented that none of them knew where the mask was, and Reidak suggested that they simply tear the whole island apart. Zaktan continued to talk, saying that one Piraka, Vezon, knew where it was. Vezok, who had a bad connection with Vezon, shouted in anger at the sound of his name while slicing a tree in half. Zaktan still continued, stating that Vezon had betrayed the other Piraka and came to Voya Nui before the others did. Zaktan then ordered Thok and Reidak to go find him.

Soon thereafter, Thok and Reidak were walking along the blasted landscape, only to come across the canister that Vezon traveled to Voya Nui in. Just when the two Piraka were about to trail his footsteps, the ground cracked and they fell through. While hanging on for dear life, Axonn, who probably caused the cracks, lifted both of them up. He told them that he had seen and faced evil for over 100,000 years, and that he was sick of it all. Axonn then brutally knocked both Piraka over his head and threw them aside. Thok tried to attack with his vision power, but Axonn just deflected it with his giant axe. Reidak picked up a boulder, threatening to throw it, but Axonn launched his axe at the boulder, knocking Reidak off his feet. Thok questioned Axonn on who he was. Axonn replied that he was one of the many guardians of the Ignika as he summoned his axe back. Thok and Reidak then tried to get out of their situation by telling Axonn that they were just looking for Vezon. Axonn told them that Vezon now served the mask. One of the Piraka then smote Axonn. In rage he pulled his axe back, ready to strike, but Brutaka came out of nowhere and shot Axonn down with a beam of pure energy flowing from his sword. Brutaka stood over Axonn as he talked about having his back, and how Voya Nui was now his.

At some point of time, Hakann came up with a plan to oust Zaktan using part of Vezok’s power to imitate the powers of others. Reidak, Thok and Avak all joined him in crafting a Zamor Sphere which would siphon the power of the target into the user/users, though initially they were unwilling to even look at him.

The Toa InikaJaller and his friends were still traveling in the canisters. On their way to Voya Nui, the Red Star above produced a huge bolt of lightning. It split into six, and each hit an individual canister. The canisters soon landed on a cold beach on Voya Nui, and instead of the six Matoran emerging from it, six Toa did. These six Toa named themselves the Toa Inika. They crossed their weapons of energy, and a bolt went straight up, making their spirit stars. At this same time, the Piraka glanced up, witnessing six Spirit Stars appearing in the night sky. Though none of them said anything, a great chill went up their spines.

Near the Chamber of Truth, Balta awoke with a start. He noticed that Dalu was gone. He got the others up and together, they rescued Garan from the Chamber of Truth.

The Toa Inika started to calculate their next move, noting especially odd things about their transformation like glowing faces and living masks. They ended up triggering their mask powers, causing chaos as Nuparu flew uncontrollably, Kongu was unable to turn off his ability to hear thoughts, Matoro’s spirit was separated from his body, and Hahli seemed to be talking to thin air, actually Matoro’s spirit form. As they regained control, Matoro reported that he saw Matoran, and the Toa agreed that they needed to meet them and figure out what was going on the island.

After a scuffle with Vezok, the Toa encountered Garan. He explained to them who he was and took them on a long journey to the Matoran resistance’s hideout.

Meanwhile, Avak and Vezok had formed an alliance. Vezok had already made this same deal with Reidak, so if Avak “kept his mouth shut” they might let him live if they found the Mask of Life. Just then, Vezok thought he saw someone in the trees, and used his impact vision to find out who it was. No one was behind that tree when he hit it. Then a smoothly cut tree fell toward both Piraka, barely missing both. Then two wooden spikes were hurled at them, both of which Vezok deflected using his Harpoon/Buzzsaw dual weapon. Avak then used his telescopic and X-ray vision to seek out the perpetrator. He saw a huge figure going northwest and both Piraka followed in that direction. Later on, the huge figure disappeared out of sight, and was nowhere to be seen. Both wondered where he was, while Vezok noticed a small cave opening. Directly in that cave, the Piraka found the records of Voya Nui. Vezok used his vision power to destroy all of them, just for fun. Doing so gave Axonn time to create a cave in, separating himself and Balta from the Piraka. Within this short amount of given time, Axonn and Balta talked. As Axonn created the symbol of Mata Nui on a wall, he told Balta of the legends of Mata Nui, as they were relevant to Voya Nui, and how he was betrayed and put to sleep. Then as Axonn fired pure energy from the tip of his axe, destroying the symbol, Axonn told Balta that if the Piraka were to find the Mask of Life, “Mata Nui shall die.”

After a long journey, the Toa Inika met the Matoran rebels and compared notes on what they knew. Armed with Zamor Launchers built by Velika, they split up into three groups: Jaller and Hahli went to free enslaved Matoran, Hewkii and Matoro went to visit Axonn, and Kongu and Nuparu were to sneak into the Piraka stronghold to search for the Toa Nuva. While Jaller and Hahli’s mission went problem-free; Hewkii and Matoro found Axonn badly injured by Brutaka, who told them to stop his former partner even if it meant killing him. Worse, Kongu and Nuparu are discovered and faced by all six Piraka and Brutaka.

Thankfully, the other Toa arrived just as the battle started. Hewkii was able to bury Brutaka under a pile of rock, taking him out of the fight temporarily. While the Matoran searched the stronghold for the Toa Nuva, The Toa Inika begin taking the Piraka out one by one. However, the tables turned when Brutaka began to dig himself out: Hakann enacted a plan to steal Brutaka’s power for himself, Avak, Reidak, and Thok to oust Zaktan – but he attempted to take it all for himself, and only quick reaction by Thok allowed him a share of Brutaka’s power as well. The two quickly use their new strength to turn on the others, with Hakann knocking them all out with one superpowered mental blast.

When the Toa came to, they realized that Hakann and Thok had forced the weakened Brutaka to reveal the location of the Mask of Life. Axonn arrived and began to go after the two Piraka, but Jaller told him to swallow his pride and let the others help, to which Axonn agreed. Realizing that the best way to stop the two is to return Brutaka’s power to him and that the Piraka were the only ones who know how to do that, the two groups form an uneasy alliance. While the Piraka worked on the Zamor Sphere that would de-power Hakann and Thok, Axonn warned Jaller of the mask’s guardians and handed him a glowing Zamor for “protection”. At the same time, the Matoran were continuing their search, and they found records of Voya Nui’s history – it was long thought that many had lost when some of the land sank underwater, but these records say that they may still be alive!

Meanwhile, Hakann and Thok began to turn on each other. The resulting destruction made them easy to track, and the Toa Inika and other Piraka quickly arrived on the scene (Axonn chose to stay behind). Though most of the Piraka were taken out of the fight early, Hakann and Thok were soon put at a disadvantage to the Inika. The two Piraka called a truce and launched a combined attack, but at the same moment Hewkii hit them with the specially-prepared Zamor. As a result, both sides fall unconscious from their enemies’ assault, leaving only Zaktan standing.

Back at the stronghold, Brutaka woke up to find Axonn watching over him. While Axonn expressed hope that Brutaka would return to protecting the Mask of Life instead of trying to claim it, Brutaka scoffed at him, and the former friends prepared for combat.

When the Toa Inika awaken, they find the Piraka gone, heading down a staircase that led to the Mask of Life. Agreeing they couldn’t wait, they quickly followed. The Piraka’s progress is impeded when Hakann was attacked and his armor began to melt, and a large figure was heard coming up from below.

The Piraka came to a fork in the tunnel, with the path to the left blocked to them. Upon descending, they were under attack from Irnakk, who subjected them to their fears through the power of his Zamors. During the fight, Zaktan was drawn into Irnakk’s mind, and realized that Irnakk would disappear if he ceased to be afraid of him. Zaktan did so and the giant vanishes.

The Toa Inika came upon the same fork. Mysteriously, the left passage was unblocked instead of the right, and it appeared to had been so for a long time. Elsewhere, Garan and the other members of the Matoran resistance were searching for the missing Toa Nuva, knowing that the Toa Inika might need their help. The Toa Inika, traveling down the left tunnel, encountered an illusion of Toa Lhikan, who warned them to turn back. However, they refused to turn down a vital quest. Before the Toa Inika could learn more, he disappeared saying that he wouldn’t back down either, “But look what happened to me.”

Back at the Piraka stronghold, Axonn and Brutaka continued their battle. Attempting to steal Brutaka’s sword, Axonn was subjected to a painful electrical shock. Seeking victory, Brutaka used his Olmak to open a dimensional portal behind Axonn, which would not close until something passed through it, even if Brutaka was knocked unconscious.

Back at the volcano, the Toa Inika found themselves fighting illusions. They triumphed far too easily, and the apparently deceased beings turned into the Toa Nuva. The Toa Inika were disheartened, thinking the illusions to be real and wondering what they might do next. However, Jaller was able to convince the group that they had to press on despite their fears, and they agreed. Moreover, the illusory Toa Nuva disappeared, and Kongu realized that they were illusions, having heard none of their thoughts with his Kanohi Suletu.

The Piraka continued their journey, contending with entrapping cylinders, a chamber filling up with water, and jets of fire. They eventually escaped, and set up an ambush for the Toa Inika, unaware that their bodies were beginning to show signs of change after being exposed to water. Outside, the Matoran came upon the Toa Nuva, badly weakened by a device which was draining their elemental powers, and enslaved by Antidermis. Utilizing their own Zamor launchers, the Matoran freed the Toa Nuva and helped them get to the Piraka stronghold, informing them of the existence of the Toa Inika.

Upon arriving into a large chamber, the Toa Inika were greeted by the recorded voice of one of the Great Beings who placed the Ignika there many years ago. Proclaiming that the room they are in is the Chamber of Death, he informed them that in order for them to pass, one of them must die. Matoro volunteered, claiming that out of the six Toa, he is of the least use to the team since he had been merely an interpreter and not a warrior, athlete, Chronicler, or inventor like the others. Matoro was destroyed by a beam of energy, but then his body was reconstituted. Going onward, the group was attacked by a Protodite enlarged by the Mask of Life, called a Protodax which multiplied upon being attacked. The Rahi were driven off by Umbra, another guardian of the Mask of Life. Umbra engaged the Toa Inika in battle, but Umbra proved too powerful for them to defeat directly. Relying on Matoro, the Toa Inika used ice mirrors to reflect Umbra in light form until he was finally subdued.

Going forward, the Toa Inika found themselves locked in battle with the Piraka atop a bridge. The elemental energies of the Inika caused the structure to collapse, and the Piraka finally proceeded to the Chamber of Life. Once there, they encountered none other than their long lost member Vezon. They discovered that he had the Mask of Life fused to his head and he offered to give it to them if they killed Vezok. Despite the willingness of the Piraka to do so, Zaktan discerned that Vezon couldn’t give them the Ignika even if he wanted to. Vezon then deployed the Spear of Fusion to merge Vezok and Reidak, creating a monstrous giant who obeyed his commands by attacking the other Piraka.

The Toa Inika, having survived their fall from the bridge, agreed that their only hope of victory over the Piraka was to fight with everything they could unleash. Back in the Piraka stronghold, Axonn struggled to avoid both Brutaka’s attacks and the ever-growing dimensional vortex. He warns Brutaka that his actions would bring Botar, whose name instilled fear even in the sword-wielding giant. Driven to rage by his comrade’s corruption, Axonn attacked with unbelievable force, shrugging off Brutaka’s attacks as if they hadn’t even hit him. In desperation, Brutaka looked to the vat of Antidermis, but Axonn destroyed it before he could get to it. As it shattered, Axonn heard a voice besides Brutaka’s crying out, a voice that was deeper and more guttural. Bereft of his axe, Axonn managed to strike down Brutaka with a blast of power from his bare hands, and sanity returned to Brutaka’s eyes just before he was knocked unconscious. Botar then appeared and took custody of Brutaka, warning Axonn that any attempts to interfere with him would be met with Brutaka’s punishment. Axonn vowed to free his friend, and as all three Order of Mata Nui members left, the vortex Brutaka opened was revealed to be a portal to the Zone of Shadow as Krahka and Tahtorak emerged from it.

Back inside the Chamber of Life, the Toa Inika arrived and confronted Vezon. His powers, combined with those of Fenrakk, proved too much for them to contend with directly. The Inika then used their powers to force the two backwards into the lava, and Jaller prepared to go after them despite the knowledge that he would likely die. Before he got the chance, Vezon emerged on the back of Fenrakk, now transformed into the Kardas Dragon. As they struggled, Jaller realized that the Ignika must be sentient, and had Kongu read its thoughts. Kongu discovered that the Mask of Life had sensed their approach, and because of Matoro’s attitude towards others selected him to be its new guardian. Beaming these thoughts into Vezon’s mind, Kongu provoked the Piraka into a rage. Jaller then deployed Axonn’s special Zamor sphere, freezing Vezon and Kardas in time and space and allowing Matoro to remove the Ignika.

At the Piraka stronghold, the Toa Nuva recovered their masks and learned from the resistance team who the Toa Inika were, setting out to meet with their friends. On their feet again, the Piraka attacked the Toa Inika, but the Mask of Life escaped their grasp, flying through the tunnel. The Toa pursued it, while the Piraka had a dispute involving the Spear of Fusion. The pursuit of the Ignika continued. It ended up traveling into the depths of Voya Nui’s bay. While attempting to retrieve it, Hahli was overwhelmed by pressure and began to drown. Before the other Inika could do anything, a Matoran emerged from underwater and brings Hahli back to shore. After gasping out a cryptic plea for help and mentioning a city beneath the water, the Matoran died.

The Toa Inika met up with Axonn and the Toa Nuva, Botar having disappeared with Brutaka after talking with Tahu Nuva. Seeing that they had no chance against 12 Toa and Axonn, the Piraka decided to go into hiding, planning to wait until the right moment to strike back. After a discussion, it was agreed that the Toa Inika would continue the quest for the Mask of Life while the Toa Nuva departed. Tahu Nuva promised that the Toa Nuva would be waiting for the Inika when they returned. But once the Inika were out of hearing range, Axonn confronted him and Tahu admitted to having lied. He mentioned a mission that the Toa Nuva had that the Inika cannot be a part of.

After a discussion, Axonn volunteered to watch over the Matoran so that the Toa Nuva wouldn’t have to take them to Metru Nui and the Toa Inika would be free to pursue the Ignika. Axonn then opened a tunnel in the village leading down to the undersea realm, and watched the Toa Inika depart after a warning about the dangers they might face.


[edit] 2007

Soon after the events of Voya Nui, the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life, fell into the sea, and landed in a land under the waves. The Toa Inika followed down The Cord, having a long battle with Vezon and the Zyglak on the way. The Zyglak captured Vezon and carried the insane being away to the fortress of Destral.

In Mahri Nui, many Matoran lived and worked like they had ever since the piece of land broke off from Voya Nui. When Reysa, an Onu-Matoran, and other residents of Mahri Nui started to disappear, Defilak, the Le-Matoran Mahri Nui Council Leader of the month, ordered a search through the black water to find out what was attacking them. Kyrehx, a Ga-Matoran sentry, spotted and retrieved a Kanohi mask floating down through the water (unknowingly, the Kanohi Ignika, the Great Mask of Life); a Sea Squid also spotted the mask and reported it to Kalmah who told the other Barraki. Their leader, Pridak, ordered a meeting to discuss this.

Somewhere at this point, the Barraki met and conversed about the Ignika and how to find it. Pridak explained what the Ignika can do, should they get their hands on it. Ehlek suggested that they split up to find the Mask of Life.

Kyrehx decided to show the mask to the Council, which however was already dismissed, so she decided to show it to her instructor, a Matoran who carved Kanohi out of stone. On her way to meet him, she was attacked by ocean plants that screamed when torn and was saved by Dekar, a Po-Matoran waterhunter. Kyrehx gave him the mask and left before he could protest.

Takadox began his search by questioning Nocturn and hypnotized him giving instructions whether the mask should fall in his hands. He then went to secretly watch Mantax who was searching the Pit. Kalmah caught Takadox and demanded to know what he was doing there. Takadox explained that Mantax hunted through the Pit every night and that he might have the Ignika hidden there. Kalmah and Takadox then followed Mantax into the Pit and were attacked by the Zyglak that had inhabited the Pit in their absence and closed the exit. Luckily for them, Nocturn tore the entrance open and, provoked by Takadox, fought the Zyglak.

Defilak, his best friend Gar, an Onu-Matoran, Sarda, a Ta-Matoran, and Idris, a Ga-Matoran, traveled in Defilak’s submarine down to the black water. They were attacked from all sides by an organized swarm of Takea Sharks, led by Pridak. After the sub was destroyed, Pridak interrogated them, tossing Sarda out of the cave in the process, and was then prompted by Defilak, his ‘meal’ to tell him a tale.

At the same time, Dekar started to ponder about the mask. Eventually, he made a start on his hunting mission. While he pondered along the way, Dekar had suddenly found himself face to face with a Venom Eel. He launched an attack on the eel and wondered why the creature was so close to the city. Then, Dekar quickly realized that it was impossible for him to wound the creature at all. Ever sooner did he notice that a huge swarm of Venom Eels were swimming towards Mahri Nui, preparing for an assault led by Ehlek. Dekar then decided to get back to the protection of the city, and quickly swam back to warn the others.

Outside of the cave where his friends and Pridak were, Sarda faced the Takea and was saved by Toa Lesovikk who arrived and sent the sharks away in a waterspout. The two conversed briefly before they were attacked by Karzahni who knocked Lesovikk down by wrapping a chain around Lesovikk. Encouraged by Sarda, Lesovikk broke the chains and confronted Karzahni. Karzahni then engulfed the Ta-Matoran in a horrific vision, knocking him unconscious. Lesovikk saved his friend who became a water-breather in the process, and told him his story while Karzahni had fled. The two then launched on a quest to stop the tyrant for all time.

Meanwhile, Takadox ordered Carapar through hypnosis to kidnap Kyrehx for information for the mask. Although the overall interrogation had proved to be a failure, Takadox and Carapar both learned that the Mask of Life was still in Mahri Nui. Fearful that Ehlek’s attack would totally destroy Mahri Nui and the Mask of Life, Takadox ordered Carapar to stop Ehlek, while he took Kyrehx back to the city as a “gift” for peace. Carapar managed to force Ehlek to stop launching attacks on Mahri Nui in case the mask was still there.

As the commotion took place, the large army of Venom Eels had begun their assault on Mahri Nui. The Matoran tried hard to defend their homes and defeat the eels yet no damage seemed to have been made to the army. Dekar soon realized that it was the Mask of Life’s fault, and then made a plan to destroy the mask in a cave far, far away. With not much delay, Dekar had hurried to a cavern far from the city, where he could safely destroy the mask, or so he thought.

While Dekar headed for a cave, Idris and Gar remained in the cave where they were “dumped” in. Gar, when he realized their situation, made a quick plan to escape out of a hole in the ceiling. The plan was to swim as quickly as they could back to the city no matter what dangers lay outside the cave. After agreeing to the plan, Gar quickly told Idris to go first. Just when they were about to start, a large tremor shook the cave. Without a second thought, the two Matoran burst out of the cave and swam as quickly as they could back to the safety of the city. Meanwhile Kalmah pulled Mantax out of the sand and the two pursued Dekar to the cave. However Dekar got there first but as he tried to destroy the mask, it started to glow brightly. Kalmah had caught up with Dekar, and started to strangle him with his tentacles. The Ignika, still believing it was in danger, enlarged a simple Eel into a 300-foot-long monster.

While this happened, Defilak lied to Pridak about the Mask of Life in order to gain time. He slowly lagged about and acted like he was searching for the mask and Pridak quickly became impatient with him. Suddenly, Pridak sensed a shift of emotions in the creatures in the water and saw that all the creatures were fleeing for safety. It wasn’t too long before they both witnessed a giant Rahi swimming right towards them.

Back in the cave, the enormous eel charged out of the cave, and knocked both Dekar and Kalmah unconscious. After barely escaping the fate of being crashed into, Mantax quickly ducked and spotted what had just came out.

At the same time, Gar and Idris arrived on a nearby Fields of Air. There, they tried to free some bubbles to strengthen their air bubbles when they spotted the army of Carapar’s Keras Crabs. Unable to do anything else, the two Matoran quickly resumed their swim with weakening air bubbles. Eventually, Gar realized that he couldn’t make it and just before he gave up all hope, he was suddenly pulled upwards by Defilak who had escaped during Pridak’s distraction over the Eel. After Idris was quickly taken along, the three Matoran returned safely back in the city and started to prepare to fight against the new danger.

Meanwhile, Mantax ran away from the cave when he suddenly crashed into Pridak who stopped him and inquired him of what was going on. Mantax quickly told the Barraki leader about what had happened and the two quickly started off to the cave. Unknown to the leader, Ehlek and Carapar journeyed down to Pridak’s cave. Ehlek believed that Pridak knew who betrayed the Barraki many years ago and was about to seek out the truth when he realized that somebody was already inside. Cooperating together, the two Barraki quickly found out that the stranger was a being named Brutaka, who was slightly mutated by the mutagen in the water. After they quickly relayed the information about the Mask of Life to Brutaka, he demanded the two Barraki to take him to the Mask of Life at once.

The Ignika sending out a cry for help.The huge venom eel that Mantax saw had seen Mahri Nui glittering in the distance, and had decided to eat what ever was there. However, Defilak, Gar and Idris then smashed all the Lightstones in the city so the venom eel didn’t see it. Takadox saw the creature and swam up to it to try to hypnotize it. He failed and was knocked unconscious when the creature noticed the fighting going on inside the stone cord. The eel reached the cord, and slowly started to squeeze it.

Dekar woke up hurting all over and tried to recall how he ended up in the cave. Then he remembered and realized the mask had defended itself from his blow. He reached out and touched it. Suddenly the mask shared all its memories with Dekar. In all its existence this was the first time it had felt fear.

Kalmah, Mantax and Pridak swam over to the Cord and fought the enlarged eel, being continuously defeated, when some beings arrived. Pridak smelled Carapar and Ehlek and one other being. He decided to bite first but was hit by a bolt of energy from Brutaka’s sword that gave him spasms. After Ehlek introduced Brutaka to Pridak the three Barraki and the newcomer swam to the cave. Brutaka tried to convince Dekar to hand over the mask to him but failed. He was then pulled into the Black Waters by a Giant Squid. The Barraki rushed into the cave and Ehlek hurtled electric bolts at Dekar causing him to drop the mask. Dekar pleaded to Pridak not to touch it but he did.

A huge wave of light erupted from the mask and illuminated all of The Pit. The light hit all of the residents like a physical strike. All beings underwater closed their eyes to shield them from the light. Thus, there was no one to see what the light did. The light’s energy transformed the Toa Inika into water-breathing Toa The light soon faded away, and Kalmah saw Dekar swimming out of the cave, then went off to find Pridak. He soon found Pridak clutching the mask tightly. Kalmah suggested to put it down, but Pridak lashed out, and almost bit Kalmah’s tentacle. Meanwhile, the mutated Venom Eel cracked the Cord and, at the same time, the Order of Mata Nui lost contact with their member who was at The Pit at the time.

Meanwhile, as Dekar swam towards Mahri Nui he was transformed by the Ignika into Hydraxon, the long-dead jailer of the Pit.

As this happened the new Toa fought for their lives against the 300 foot long venom eel. Kongu used his Kanohi Zatth, thinking it to be the Suletu and summoned lots of normal venom eels. Matoro reanimated a shark and froze the eel. After all that, Hewkii discovered his mask power and made it sink to the ocean floor, which knocked it unconscious. Nuparu, after having discovered his Volitak’s power of stealth, spotted Mahri Nui; but as he shut down his mask of Stealth the Matoran nearly killed him with their air launchers, and he was saved just in time by Jaller, who melted the launcher. Defilak said to the Toa that while one of them could stay in the city, the others had to chase the Keras crabs out of the fields of air if they were to be considered as Toa.

Matoro stayed and immediately discovered they could no longer breathe air. As the others attempted to complete their task they met the six Barraki and pretended to be prisoners of The Pit like them. As they were led away the Keras crabs withdrew. However, the Matoran thought Matoro as a friend of the Barraki since the other Toa had seemed like partners to the Barraki. As Matoro fled he was captured by Hydraxon. The other Toa Mahri where escorted to sea caves. Nuparu used his Volitak to reach Hahli’s cave. He asked her to tell him about the Barraki’s history and Hahli told him also that she had heard the Barraki say something about the breaking of the mask.

As this happened Matoro was thrown in the Pit jail and guarded by a robot Maxilos. However, Maxilos freed him, revealing himself to be Teridax. Meanwhile, the Barraki planned how to use the Ignika but after a skirmish between Ehlek, Pridak, Takadox and Mantax, Ehlek and Pridak brought it to Nocturn, since they didn’t trust each other with it, along with a Squid Launcher.

As they did so Hahli hypnotized the squid guarding her with her Faxon, copying a fish’s ability and Hewkii joined them after removing Gravity from the Takea Sharks guarding him. Meanwhile, Jaller scared the venom eels guarding him with his flame. While he talked from outside to Kongu, a Hahnah crab went to the cave, curious about Jaller’s flame. After Kongu escaped Kalmah, who, along with Carapar, had come to check on them, they fired a sea squid at Kongu. As Jaller was about to be overwhelmed by the two Barraki, the Hahnah crab killed the sea squid and Kongu summoned with his mask an enormous creature which made the two Barraki flee.

Nuparu found some Cordak Blasters in a cave and was experimenting with them when Hewkii startled him, causing him to fire one and destroy an underwater boulder, thus showing the power of the weapons. Hahli then joined them.

As Jaller and Kongu returned to Mahri Nui they were joined by Hewkii, Hahli and Nuparu, who had brought some Cordak Blasters. Each Toa took one, except for Kongu who took two, abandoning his Toa Tool. As the five Toa arrived they were greeted by the city’s defenses. Hahli made Kongu use his power to shove Defilak out of the air bubble. Hahli then created a vacuum but as Defilak was about to drown Hahli brought him to safety, and stated if she wanted to kill him, he would have been dead, so Defilak decided to trust the five Toa. While that happened, Nocturn discovered a new power, the death touch (the Ignika’s curse) and did not notice that a Gadunka began to grow as a result of the Ignika’s leaking power. At the same time, the Toa Mahri were joined by Matoro and Maxilos, and the latter prevented Matoro from revealing Maxilos’ true identity. In a sign of trust, Defilak renamed the once Toa Inika, Toa Mahri.

While this was happened, the ancient creature summoned by Kongu battled the revived 300-foot-long venom eel. Carapar and Kalmah made their way to the Octo Cave, where they found the other Barraki. Pridak had wounded Ehlek for “interrogation” on where Nocturn had gone off with the mask. Takadox had first believed Kalmah, Carapar and the Toa Mahri stole the mask from Nocturn and killed him, but he said Kalmah was not smart enough. However, Kalmah reported the Toa had escaped and thought they had gotten the mask.

Hahli explored the seafloor in search of the Mask of Life by using her Faxon to give herself enhanced vision. Mantax then suddenly grabbed her with his pincer but Hahli managed to wound him with her Protosteel talons and then fire her Cordak blaster to confuse the Barraki with a sand explosion. By the time he cleared his vision she was gone. Mantax made preparations and slipped in the sand. Hahli had used her Faxon to give her chameleon ability. She saw Mantax’s head and fired her Cordak, but then Mantax paralyzed her with his venom and Hahli discovered too late she had hit a decoy.

Kongu and Jaller explored the sea caves. Jaller complained about the fact Kongu joked too much, and was a little annoyed that Matoro seemed to wish to take the lead, and Hahli had gone off searching on her own. As they arrived to the Octo Cave, the squids began to hatch and began sucking the Toa energies, with Kalmah and Carapar watching.

Nuparu and Hewkii searched in an undersea trench. As they went along they talked about Metru Nui. When they reached an undersea tree, eels attacked them. Nuparu and Hewkii worked together to trap the eels under the sea floor but when Nuparu congratulated himself and Hewkii for the victory Hewkii disappeared. Nuparu activated his Volitak but was detected and jolted into unconsciousness and was brought beside an unconscious Hewkii in the trench.

Matoro and Maxilos were confronted by two hundred Takea. After he found freezing the water around Pridak and Takadox failed, Matoro used the Tryna to resurrect the dead bodies of Takea victims.

While that happened, Mantax looked for the Mask of Life on Hahli’s route. When he was about to give up, he was caught in a riptide as Hahli swam towards him. Mantax asked her how she had survived the paralysis and Hahli answered she had copied a creature’s immunity to the venom. As both understood neither had or had had the Mask of Life, Mantax stated he had no friends, only enemies he hadn’t killed yet and made Hahli the lieutenant of his army.

Hewkii woke up Nuparu. When Nuparu complained they could get out when they wanted, Hewkii showed him the eels that inhabited the trench. Nuparu summoned an earth pillar as Hewkii blasted the eels. After Hewkii used his Kanohi Garai on an eel, he used it to make sharks go and dive into a squad of electric eels, led by Ehlek, and they then left.

Jaller raised his body temperature and Kongu’s, which made the squids release them. Kalmah and Carapar talked about past days and about their earned right to rule. Jaller assured that if the Toa Mahri got the mask, the Barraki would get what they had deserved. Kalmah said that to make the deal, Pridak had to be killed.

As Matoro’s army fought Pridak’s, Teridax/Maxilos talked about choices and was distracted. Pridak destroyed his army and Matoro didn’t have time to reanimate but as it happened, hundreds of eels attacked the Takea and Matoro and Maxilos managed to flee.

Later, the Toa Mahri regrouped at Mahri Nui. Hahli was missing and the sea had gone mad. A Ga-Matoran reported that rays were heading for Mahri Nui, led by Hahli.

As that happened, Nocturn was attacked by Hydraxon. After a brief but intense battle Hydraxon won and as he took the Ignika a small part of Dekar’s consciousness told him to destroy it. Hydraxon put it on a rock, aimed with his Cordak, and fired.

As the Toa Mahri headed for the rays, Maxilos revealed that once the Ignika is taken, the Stone Cord had to be destroyed so that Voya Nui could return to the Southern Continent and the Matoran on Voya Nui and Mahri Nui would die.

Far to the north, the six Toa Nuva headed for the Great Temple in Metru Nui. Kopaka did not trust Axonn, while Tahu did, but followed his companions to retrieve a vital message. The Toa Nuva used the Kakama Nuva to enter the temple unseen. There, Gali and Pohatu found a scroll written with what should have been done to awaken the Great Spirit. They headed for Mata Nui, since the first thing on the scroll was to awaken the Bohrok swarms. They freed the Bahrag and Onua told them what to do. And, in all the Bohrok nests, the Bohrok awoke, ready to resume their mission.

Even as important events occurred, Hydraxon had no notice of them while he fired at the Kanohi Ignika. Then, a sudden riptide pulled his first shot off course. Before he could fire others, Hahli Mahri stopped him from firing. However, then Mantax appeared and took the mask, which weakened Hahli and Hydraxon while strengthening Mantax. Mantax departed with the mask and was later followed by Hydraxon. The other Toa Mahri, meanwhile, discovered Hahli.

Matoro warned the other Toa Mahri that the Cord had to be destroyed for Mata Nui to be revived. However, destroying the cord would put all of the Matoran in great danger. They led the Matoran of Mahri Nui and Axonn led the Matoran of Voya Nui to underground chambers on Voya Nui so they would be safe when the island crashed down. As they led the Matoran up the Cord they were attacked by the Piraka who had been mutated into having only their faces and spines. A burst of energy hit everyone, knocking them all out. When the Toa came to, they found that Axonn saved them. Then Axonn gave the Toa Mahri a “vehicle” so they could reach Mahri Nui once again. The vehicle, actually a modified Rahi, repaired any injuries done to the Toa as they traveled. When they reached the Pit, Jaller and Matoro sought out the mask while the others battled the Barraki. Gadunka, now an enraged sea monster, showed up and Hewkii, without success, hurled a boulder at him but then hit him with his Electrified Chains and defeated him.

Meanwhile, Jaller Mahri attacked and surprised Mantax, causing him to drop the mask. Mantax swam after it, but Jaller blasted him with fire and took the mask. Matoro saw Teridax/Maxilos head for Jaller and froze him and then prepared to freeze him for all time, thus ending the threat of Teridax lurking in the universe. However, as Jaller laid hand on the mask, Hydraxon appeared and took the mask from Jaller, then threw him away. Jaller sent a wall of fire to stop Hydraxon from getting to the mask but freed Teridax instead. Spinax attacked Hydraxon and occupied him, while Teridax tried to take the mask, however, Matoro grabbed it first and fled, to meet with the other Toa Mahri at the Cord. Curiously, Teridax did not pursue Matoro and the mask.

The Toa Mahri, now reunited and with the mask, fired their blasters at the Cord and destroyed it, sending Voya Nui plummeting to the depths. It hit Mahri Nui, smashed it to pieces, and zoomed off toward where it originally was. The Mask of Life is pulled along behind it and the Toa Mahri follow it. However, the Barraki also pursued. Matoro, with the mask, outran all of the other Toa to try to save Mata Nui. However, as Matoro swam, the mask slowly lost its light and eventually turned silver and faded. Matoro looked at it and realized that the Great Spirit was dead.

Matoro knew that it could not end that way, and swam away to try and reach Voya Nui as it descended. Jaller and the other Toa Mahri chose to stay behind to confront the Barraki and buy Matoro time.

Matoro followed Voya Nui as it continued it’s rapid descent, and came face to face with the holes which were punctured on the dome of the Southern Continent and Karda Nui as a result of Voya Nui’s ascent out of the Southern Continent. Matoro fell down the waterfall which led into the core, slipping under Voya Nui moments before impact.

Elsewhere, the Barraki met at the Razor Whale’s Teeth, where Mantax revealed that they had been betrayed by one of their own thousands of years ago. Before he could reveal the traitor through a tablet he found, explosions from a fight between Maxilos and Hydraxon, who now knew Maxilos’ true identity, caused an avalanche. Takadox exposed himself as the traitor by stealing the tablet and trying to kill Mantax, but the other Barraki did not kill him, instead they chose to keep him around to help to retrieve the Ignika. However, they were confronted by Maxilos, who revealed his true identity as the one who caused their imprisonment, Teridax. After a brief battle that left five of the Barraki unconscious, Takadox presented the ancient Tablet of Transit to Teridax, hoping to be spared. However, he was instead cast into a vision where his Underwater Insects turn on him and attack him.

While he was distracted, the Barraki, who had faked being unconscious, gathered their armies. They ordered them to attack the Maxilos robot, and damaged it beyond repair. The Barraki departed with their armies, intent on acquiring the Ignika again. Hydraxon found Spinax and the damaged Maxilos, but noticed that it no longer held any sign of Teridax, who had possessed it.

Matoro giving his life force to Mata Nui.The Barraki attacked the Toa Mahri with their armies, and tried to break past them to pursue Matoro. Jaller then realized that they would soon lose, and decided to perform a Nova Blast; a blast that would have destroyed the surrounding area from the fire heating up the water around them. Despite the arguments held by the other Mahri, Jaller stated that it was the only way they could make time to save Mata Nui. However, before he unleashed the blast, the Mahri were teleported back to Metru Nui. Jaller had to struggle to keep the level of power down so he wouldn’t destroy the city.

The Matoran rejoice at Mata Nui’s revival.Matoro had donned the Ignika, and realized that it was he who was destined to use it. After he put it on, he was shown the entire history of the mask, which included what was necessary to activate its powers. Using the mask he had performed his final act as an individual and had teleported his friends back to Metru Nui, while giving them the ability to breathe air again. Content that his friends were safe, Matoro used the Ignika, and died as his energy was turned into life force that was used to revive Mata Nui.

Back on Metru Nui, Matoran celebrated the revival of Mata Nui. However, Vakama approached the Toa Mahri and told them that he had seen through a vision that Matoro had perished, to their great sadness. Later, Kopeke, the new Chronicler, had Hahli tell the story of their adventures so that he could record them. Afterwards, a ceremony honoring Matoro was held in the Coliseum.

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